CAN-I – Climate Action Network International, a partnership of more than 1300 NGOs worldwide.
CBDR – Common But Differentiated Responsibilities: a core element of the Convention and an important point during the negotiations.
CDM – Clean Development Mechanism: project form in which emission reduction in a developing country produces emission certificates for the rich host country.
COP – Conference of the Parties: conference of the countries participating in the UNFCCC.
ECEN – European Christian Environmental Network, European Christian environmental network founded in 1998.
EIB – European Investment Bank.
G7 – The 7 largest industrialized countries and the European Union: United Kingdom, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, USA, Canada and the EU.
GCF – Green Climate Fund, agreed at COP 15 (2009, Copenhagen).
IEA—International Energy Agency.
IPCC – Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, the group of hundreds of climate scientists worldwide who write scientific reports and analyses for the UN.
L&D – Loss & Damage: damage and loss, both material and non-material as a result of climate change.
LWF: Lutheran World Federation.
MRV – measurement, reporting and verification: the pillars of transparent (climate) policy and management.
NDC – Nationally Determined Contribution: national climate plan under the PA that must be scaled up every five years.
OPEC – Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries, organization of oil exporting countries.
PA – Paris Agreement, the climate agreement concluded in Paris in 2015.
R&D – Research and Development: research and development.
REDD+ – Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation through, among other things, conservation and sustainable management.
SDGs – Sustainable Development Goals, 17 sustainable development goals that have been set by the UN and must be achieved by 2030.
SG – Secretary General, general secretary.
TD – Talanoa Dialogue: consultation process between COP 21 and COP 24 in which non-Parties could also participate (the WCC participated).
UNFCCC – United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change: the ‘umbrella’ under which the international climate negotiations take place.
UK – United Kingdom.
UN (UN) – United Nations (United Nations).
USA – United States of America.
WB – World Bank.
WCC – World Council of Churches.
WHO – World Health Organization, World Health Organization.
WIM – Warsaw International Mechanism: set up at COP 19 (2013 in Warsaw) to address loss and damage as a result of climate change.